Digging for Buried Treasure

Location: Somewhere, Illinois, United States

Monday, July 09, 2007

What If?

What if you were going down a road at a safe and steady speed, when, bam!, you were hit broadside by another vehicle? What if your car was turned 180 degrees, yet you were unhurt? Would this be your wake-up call? And what exactly is a wake-up call? I think a wake-up call is the epitome of "what if's." What if this and that and that and this??????????? Each one of us is given a life and then we've got to decide how to live it. I believe the puppeteer is God, but I also believe in free will. Pretty deep, huh? Like, for years, I believe God wants me to follow a certain path, but there are those who throw themselves into the fray of my life. The pathos. I'm now on an entirely different path. I commit myself and then realize my commitment was not honored. What I signed on for, the mission has been aborted. Sometimes, we only see what we want to. We see what is within our realm. To look outside, now, that's talent. Only the most talented will ever understand that our existence is dependent upon the exchange of night and day. Day is bright and perfect and happy; night is dark and mysterious and passive.

Saturday, July 07, 2007


It's been a long time. A difficult road for me, an uphill journey. I thought I had lost myself forever, but I think I have found "me" again. I'm excited; I'm scared. I thought I had lost the ability to love and I thought I had lost my innocence (my ability to hope, trust and dream). But, something I've learned is that loving myself is the place to start. I'm beginning a new chapter in my life now and I see how any one of us can become scared, but it's one step at a time. If I love myself, if I'm good to myself, I create the space for others to love me. I'm learning that real love is not born of need, but of a wanting to give and receive. There are many people in my life whom I love. I'm surrounded by "my people"...friends and family who are my true heroes, my lifelines, and I cannot express adequately in words just how much I appreciate their very presence and existence.

My people--I love you all very much!!!! If I could reach out and touch you all right now, many hugs and kisses would be going around.