Location: Somewhere, Illinois, United States

Sunday, October 01, 2006


I saw a great movie recently. Actually, more than 2 months ago, but it has stayed with me. It was very intense in theme and meaning. The movie was A History of Violence. Upon first view, I felt that the movie was about a family in transition after a terrible secret was revealed about one of its members. Upon further reflection, I saw it as a movie about growth and change. About how the most healthy of us continue to grow and change throughout our lives, sometimes completely reinventing ourselves. But deep down inside, aren't we all the same person we started out being at the core? We can put on many masks and facades, but inside isn't our soul crying out for us to be true to our real selves, thus facilitating reinvention?

One of the main characters in this film decided he wanted to change his life many years ago, so he made a drastic turn, disappearing and re-making himself into a whole new man. There was a catalyst for change and I feel that was his dissatisfaction with his life's direction all those years ago. He keeps his past a secret from his wife. And, when she finds out he assumes that the marriage is over. But, she's got more strength than he knew. For, in finding out whom he really is, she is finding out that she's not really who she thought she was either. The movie ends with a beginning. The beginning of a new relationship between them, one made of truth and deeper meaning.

I keep thinking of this film because sometimes the world seems so black and white. People are unhappy and they feel they have so little options except to throw in the towel. They have certain expectations of those that love them, certain beliefs and feelings that may or may not be founded in reality. I feel that reality isn't black or white, it's somewhere in between and that when we decide to take a risk we may be pleasantly surprised. But, risk taking is something many people aren't good at. I can say that I'm not. Risks involve letting go of control, as my wise cousin says and letting go of control means that you are leaving your fate to the destinies. How much control do we really have anyway? Isn't our fate up to destiny? And, really the only control that we have is over ourselves. I know that I don't want to look back at my life and see regrets. Chances I had to make changes and instead I quit. I want to take risks; I want to live. And, I want to teach that to my children.


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